Saturday 16 April 2011

sweden, again

Arguably the most famous bit of architecture in Malmö, and the most visible, is Santiago Calatrava's "Turning Torso".

Not sure what this red thing is; fish trap? Some kind of anchor? A buoy?

Cottage by the windmill

Building by the canal
Google tells me the translation for Majs Krokar is "Corn Hooks"

These were without a doubt the least satisfying snack food I have ever eaten. "MAJS KROKAR" are quite literally just like biodegradable packing peanuts. Perhaps a slightly more charitable interpretation would be that they're like unflavored Cheez Doodles. And let me just say, before this I had no idea how much the "Cheez" was bringing to the table; the "Doodle" alone is, as the French say, "trés grody". Even my jokes about the puffed treat being 2% Fett and 98% Boba were not enough to get through the whole packet. It's not that "Corn Hooks" were disgusting; it's that they were all texture and no flavor. Eating them was tedious. Fortunately Jed will eat almost anything that is served in a crinkly bag, so he was happy to lend a hand. Or tooth.

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